Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What are emotions?

My feelings are all out of wack y'all. Things that would break down any sane person, I react to with a mere, meh. I don't know if I'm up to my limit in fucks given, but my blood pressure hasn't risen once in response to all the stunts going on around me. I'm not bragging about my lack of emotions, in fact I'm nervous. I joke all the time about being evil, am I turning into a super villain? Often I found myself sitting and plotting. Thinking long term about vengeance that I think is due to me. Dramatic much? Yes, yes and yes.

But I wonder also if my calmness about everything that's happening is simply my spirit at peace. What if my whole being decided to stop fighting and accept the outcomes. I would like to think that's it.

This blog entry is vague. I know that. But I have reporters in my life who like to spread my business like interns (unpaid) newscasters. So I gave just enough to get this off my mind, and just a little so you won't know what the hell I was talking about.

-End Scene-

*sings* I know you think this blog is about you, don't yoooooou


Friday, August 3, 2012

In time of trials...

This song is helping me get through my trials....


Sunday, July 29, 2012

It all falls down...

It was the best of times, it was the worse of times. Pray for me saints, I can only conclude that from this point on everything will come crumbling down....


Thursday, July 19, 2012


WHAT A WEEK! The devil was so busy! And like a loon I let him deal with me. Thank God for positive people. And reality tv :) Work has been a good deterrent. I know, me appreciative of work? Who would have thunk it lol

In other news my body is breaking down. I can hear the ocean from my left ear. I googled my symptoms and it looks like I have tinnitus. Tinnitus is a permanent internal sound in your ear. Like, it comes and goes but it's permanent with no cure. Weeps. 

So there's your update, a long and more detailed blog will be posted later. I haz sleepiness.


Monday, July 2, 2012

An update on the job front...

Holla, I'm a married woman! It has been two weeks and I can honestly say... nothing has changed lol. We've been together 10 years so, yeah.

But I have other news, I'm a bank teller. No exclamation mark for that though. It's the most boringestic (yes, made up word, deal) job ever. However it is a job that pays dollars as currency so all is well. The company also gave me time for both my wedding and a week for my honeymoon even though I had only work 3 days previously. In this economy that's rare. REALLY rare. So I'm going to act like a grown up, work this job with no complaints. Scratch that, some complaints. I wouldn't be me without whining a little...

Working for the bank doesn't mean I'm completely out the job market. I still looking for jobs in my major, Mental Health. I'm interested in group homes, homeless shelters etc. Of the ones I looked up online, most of the job shifts are for overnights. Not kosher. Especially with Officer working nights too. But I'm still looking.

And that's what's been going on with me. Busy two weeks with two new beginnings. Yay me!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Faking hard to be real...

Everyday I convince myself that I don't care what others say about me. I'mma do me I whisper into my pillow before I start my day. A small part of that is true. I live for God and my close, immediate family. That's it. No one else. But I found myself caring about how my actions affect others. There's people I interact with that I could take or leave them. But I know that they don't feel the same about me that I do about them. So I smile and carry on.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Only my thoughts....

1. The maximum time spent in Vegas can not exceed 4 days. It is known.
2. I never knew I would miss my kids as much as I have on vacation. The longest week ever.
3. Thank God for Twitter. We're 3 hrs behind and I felt guilty texting my East Coast friends.
4. When does the, Damn, you married now, feeling suppose to kick in?
5. I wish I was on Four Weddings last Sunday, my wedding kicked ass.
6. Two close friendships ended recently. Causality of growth I guess.
7. How about those O's?
8. Lebron finally did it, no hairline jokes for a minute, okay?
9. I want the new Samsung Galaxy III.
10. I think I will finally become serious about losing weight.

Bonus: Sandusky was found guilty of 45/48 charges. He will die in prison. I will laugh.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Might want to look at that family tree...

Janet Jackson, duh                
Tyler Perry

Did you notice how they resemble each other? Totally random but so what.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Kathy Lee Gifford, You a stupid hoe! Stupid hoe....

Okay, ignore the title, I'm just excited to be back! Back from where? Um, my house d'oh. Anywho, Kathy Lee Gifford, who use to be Regis' side kick once upon a time long long ago, was in the news this week. The other morning they had the pleasure to interview Martin Short. No, I will not provide background for Mr. Short lol. 

So... why is Mrs. Gifford a blog post?

Monday, May 28, 2012

Remember me?

It has been awhile. I've been busy being unemployed. My wedding is in 3 wks (eek!) I have everything but nothing ready. I'm such a last minute person so I'm not use to pacing and scheduling things.

School is over *cues the best of Jill Scott* I got an A and a B. The B knocked my gpa down a peg but that's another story....

So what's been good with you? Any summer book suggestions? Any hairstyles you can recommend for my wedding?

Drop me a line.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Late Bus: Asking all Dem Questions, Youtube HA HAs!

My sis in law introduced me to these hilarious fools. I saw myself in some of the questions Emmanuel mentioned and I ain't mad. LMAOOOO!

Dude's face pure RUBBER!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Wanna own a Citi Trends? Must know A LOT of black people....

Where the black people at?!
Yesterday as I was window shopping online for clothes SHUTTIE! I decided to check franchise information for different companies. Now you might ask why, well... I don't have an answer. No, I do not have buckets of gold bracelets that can melted down. No, I do not have any unclaimed money. No, I do not have an elderly uncle with no heirs. I'm just nosy, ok?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

You make me feel, you make me feel like an inexperienced mother....

Up until this moment, May 10th, I believed myself to be the champion of potty training. It's on my parent stat card. Throughout the years, I bragged about how I successfully trained my oldest daughter in 2 weeks with NO accidents. I wasn't worried one Jill Scott low note about potty training my youngest when the time came....

Well... now's the time and she ain't trained.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

To Cry or Not to Cry: Wedding edition

I've been asked this question more and more as my wedding date gets closer.

"Do you think you will cry when you get married?"

Friday, May 4, 2012

I got a question....

Am I weird for reading celebrity autopsy reports? I've read Dr. West (Kanye's mother), Anna Nicole Smith, Michael Jackson's, Whitney Houston's and countless others...

I was about to open a browser tab to read Don Cornelius, of Soul Train fame, autopsy when something stopped me, like hey, you reading coroner's reports on a Friday night?

Yes, yes, yes I am.


Captain Save A P*ss, Brian McKnight edition

Ahem... As if the song wasn't enough, Brian McKnight wanted to go all visual on y'all asses. He won't stop, can't stop tryna show you how ya p*ussies work... Watch with your blinds closed... -Toodles

Sunday, April 29, 2012

You're the one that I think about all daaaay

I wrote this blog entry a long time ago. I was going through my draft folder and was like, whoa, I should upload this. And with the wedding fastly approaching, it makes sense. I'm not going to reveal as much as I did like Locks situation but hey, here's some of me and Officer's background :)

I'm pretty open about my background. I gave you a glimpse of my early "love" life with Locks here, part 2 and finally part 3. I write about my past not to gain sympathy but to build a basis for some of the opinions I might express on this blog.

Officer is the biggest support system I have in my life. I honestly don't have parental figures that give me advice, check up on me or anything like that so I often bounce my ideas off of Officer. But how did we get so  close? Let me begin....

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yes to the Dress!

I got my wedding dress guys! It's beautiful AND white ;) The funniest and best part of my fitting, was that my gown fits me like a glove. I literally can't gain or lose a pound or else I'd have to pay for alterations. I was so nervous about my gown only because I ordered it online without seeing it in person. I like the style and ordered it in good faith. Viva my wedding day. I'm about to stunt on hoes. Not really.

50 days!


These are my confessions....

I'm the type of person who often time appears standoffish. I struggled with this my whole life.

"I thought you were mean before I met you."

*Sings* When I was a young warthog.......... Oop, wrong topic....

Um, well I'm not. I'm a people watcher. Until I "know" you, I'm silent. I'm just feeling my way around. Some people are anxious around quiet people. This use to make me laugh inwardly all the time.

But over time I broke away from my mean girl stance. I think my girls helped with that. Children force you to become social. They're in school, sports, Chuck E Cheese... Places with lots of kids and parents you have to interact with.

Often time I wish I could be that person again. Reserved and distance. Unf*ckable.

Maybe on the weekends?


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

President Obama Drops the Mic on Jimmy Fallon

How did I miss this? President Obama was on Jimmy Fallon to discuss how he's fighting the increase of interest on student loans. But there's a twist to his delivery....

Check this jewel out:

Mr. Joe Smooth....


Can you spot me... a job?

Be patient, it'll happen......

Something will work out, watch.....

Just wait on the Lord.....

You'll get a job soon.....


Old school R&B, I know, I just rolled my eyes too...

This is what I want to scream out every time someone tells me a variation of the lines above. Every statement has the possibility of being true HOWEVER, I needs a job. Bills keep coming and my woe as me cries aren't doing nothing but giving me a week extension. Now look, I'm not hand to mouth. When I say I'm broke this translates to: Not having extra money. Like, to go out or getting pedi & mani and all bullsh*t that us women like. It also means that I'm spending reserves. Money for the wedding, etc. My youngest is still enrolled in daycare even though I'm unemployed because I pay a decent rate and don't want to lose her spot in case I get a job. *Ahem* For when I get a job Trying to be positive :) 

So friends and family, hush. I know and believe that I'll get a job. I'm stressing about these automobills....


One, it's like a dream come true, Two, did you know that it can squirt?

We all know that the majority of today's music is trash. Where are the singers from yesteryear? Well Brian McKnight is back with a sure head banger... your head to your desk!

Brian logged into his twitter and uploaded this beauty of a song. For some reason Brian McKnight decided to pen a song teaching women about how their vajayjay works. Why? What? When? Who? How? I've asked myself many questions starting with those words for the last couple days. What gets me about the video is that he is DEAD SERIOUS. Like, he put on his best face and voice. 

Press play and begin to weep from laughter or embarrassment:


When he touched his tongue though... *shivers*


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I got a question...

Question of the day night?

If you knew someone was in need and you had the means to help them would you:

A. Wait until they asked you for help


B. Stepped up and asked if they needed help EVEN if you knew the situation

Answer in my love below :)


Bow or Step: The Obamas, The First Family edition

At Tierra World we honor and admire the First Family And you will too.

Our First Family on Easter:

Sasha and Malia have gotten so big!

President Obama embracing a small boy:

The boy's smile, President Obama's closed eyes... *wimper*

These picture might seem like propaganda and hey it is an election year, but I don't care. I need some black positivity to cancel out all the evil that I'm seeing and hearing on a daily basis. We've all heard about the Trayvon Martin story by now. And then last week there was a Tulsa shooting by two white men who targeted and killed 3 black men and wounded 2 others.

This blog post is warranted.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

21st Century jiving.... for chicken wraps: Mary J. Blige edition

 Wow, Mary Mary.... Black folks sure lub dem sum chicken. -blank ass stare-

1. Why did that woman at the beginning of the commercial scream out about the chicken wraps? Ma'am

2. Mary J. Blige sounded Rihanna-ish a little bit... right?

3. Don't them shits look nasty wrapped up loosely in those leftover Taco Bell shells?

Burger King took down this commercial from their official youtube channel after Twitter joked them to death. I hope Mary still got paid, there's such a thing called pride, smh.


It's My Wedding and I can cry if I want to....

This is me but a little bit chubbier

I'm the most chill person on a normal day. I like long walks in the park, vanilla ice cream, all that simple shit. But oh does wedding planning bring out the beast in a person. Right now my wedding support system consist of 3 people. Right, just 3. But Tierra, aren't your bridesmaids helping? No. Next question...

Every suggestion I give is met with resistance. I'm not asking for a lot compared to other brides I hear about.  I'm not choosing wedding hair or shoe, I'm as laid back as a fat cat. Maybe that's the problem, I dunno.

How is Officer handling all the wedding planning? Hmmm, like a boss. His groomsmen are yes men. He text them their needs and they do it. No questions, just yup as replies. Being a man is easy.

*Kat Stacks voice* Anyway doe....
Free Kat Stacks! If you don't know, now you know, Google her.

Honeymoon is paid, sending a check tomorrow for the photographer. \o/  That's two things I can wipe my hands of. From this day forth I will ignore any advice/opinion/concern that steps to mine.

I'm the Bride BITCH!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Way down in the hole...


I was doing so good working out until I stopped working out. o_O I decided not to do P90x because I can't find all the equipment I need for it. I ordered Insanity and it's sitting on the corner waiting to be used. I was down 6 pounds as of yesterday but I'm sure I gained some back from the pigging out I did today. I need motivation. The wedding for some reason isn't enough :(

Oh. And I'm pretty much unemployed again. Welp.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

We are Trayvon Martin


If you're not familiar with the case you can read some details here and here.

Short summary:
On February 26, Trayvon Martin had just left the store for snacks. He was followed by George Zimmerman, who called 911 and reported Trayvon as a suspicious suspect and a threat DESPITE Zimmerman being armed. George was also told not to confront Trayvon Martin. However Zimmerman chased, shot and killed 17 yr old Trayvon. At this time this murderer has not been arrested. 

The horrific 911 call of this tragic event. Caution: Not for the faint of heart, I have not listened to this audio AT ALL.

You can sign this petition to support prosecuting George Zimmerman for this crime here!

2012 is not a post racial world, smh.


*signs 'I love you' to President Obama* :)

President Obama will always be Mr. Smooth in my eyes. He seems so personable and humble.

Obama made that young man's day, maybe life.


Monday, March 19, 2012

You wanna see my body? -Weight loss post-

Yesterday I told y'all how I wasn't satisfied with my weight loss over the past two weeks I'm still fat . So I decided to incorporate some more workout in my life. A more intensive workout, P90x!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mad Men + Christina Hendricks= Love on Top

Christina Hendricks is who I want to be when I grow up. Her body is awesooooome. *stares at the above pictures* Um, yeah there's a reason I was writing this post, give me a minute.... Oh, Mad Men is coming back! After a nearly 2 year hiatus, my HD tv will be graced with the above buxom princess and all my fave characters on March 25th.

My heart dropped just like looking at Christina's pictures.

Y'all ready for cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and all the smug and smirkness one can muster delivered by smooth ass Don? I am!

My peeps!


Weekly Wrap Up

I lost some weight. Down 4 lbs in two weeks. I'm not impressed. I could have lost more if I completed more cardio and eliminated some carbs. I now have 397 more pounds to drop before June 17, 2012. It's fastly approaching and I have to get on that good foot.

I know I said something about before pictures... BUT I'll have some soon. I'm starting p90x tomorrow and really want y'all to see some real progress since I intend to go hard. My wedduing dress is form fitting and I want to look right. Which also means no spanx. How uncomfortable will that be after 5+ hours, ugh.


Um, what's new... Oh, I continue to hate my job. Me makes no money. Me sad. However, I have an interview with an up and coming casino in the banker role Tuesday. I don't know if I want it or not especially since casinos are 365/7. I'd be pissed if I had to work holidays, trust.

And that's that. I haven't been blogging as much as I use to but I've been both busy and/or lazy. Call me out on it ;)


Thursday, March 15, 2012

A shorty...

I can't stand timid adults. Speak up for your fucking selves!!!!!

What, the person's going to stop being your friend? So what!!! Get a new damn friend!

What, the person's going to say no? Find someone who will says YES.

All these passive aggressive sh*t needs to go ------> I can't enjoy myself in my own home because of your bs. Dude, not cool.

Use your spine! Jesus Christ, my personal savior gave all of us one. It's free, hone into it.

I had to release this rant from my fingers. I just can't deal!



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time to get physical! -Weight loss post-

The wedding of the century is in 3 months, eeeek! Yes, my wedding is fastly approaching. And Officer's superiors are being asswipes. He didn't get our wedding day OR the day after off. Yes I'm pissed and so is he. He's going to take it another step and I'm crossing my fingers and toes that he gets the day approved.

Whew...Enough of that...

I'm fat.

Facts are facts. And I need not to be fat for my wedding. It's in the bride manual, page one. But the kicker is, Officer wants to lose some pounds too. So now I have a get skinny partner, yay! We went grocery shopping together for healthy food Sunday :o) But it's Tuesday and I'm hungry. I'm calorie counting and I think I'm restricting too much? I'm trying to stay at 1100-1150 calories which is not that low. My mind is sending me "get junk food Tierrrrra" vibes.

Later this week I'll post a pic of my booody so I'll have a way to track my weigh loss. I took the battery's out my scale because I have the tendency to weight myself everyday Not good. When the picture (s) go up, no judgment. I'm a bowl of fluff.


P.S. Pray that Officer gets our wedding day off!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tiana, the Watermelon Princess, wait huh?

Sleeping Beauty Vanilla, Tiana Watermelon, reeeal clever smh

Disney, can you explain? Please?


*snatched from Gawker*


Sign my Friendship Contract

I seem to have a little problem. Besides not updating this blog on a regular basis, Wedding, School, Work REPEAT! I've been internally venting about my friendships with certain people. You see, two years ago I was basically without friends. Now you might say, gurl, everybody has friends, whatcha mean? Well, I don't categorize everyone as a friend. We're not in kindergarten, just because we know each other, a friend does not make. So I actively went about finding friends.....

Blah blah blah, I already wrote about how I felt about friendship here.

There is a reason for this post. For the past couple of months, I've been in a runt. I've had some weekends where my kids were with auntiegranniedaddy. I was free but had nowhere to go. Scratch that, I had places to go but no one to go with. Yes, Officer and I went out a couple of times but I needed a girl's night out. Drinking, dancing and being acting sexy. But alas, this did not happen. For whatever reason, me, a person with three kids and multiple things going on, has more availability than everyone I know. Who would have thunk it? Other times when I called texted, everyone had plans that I obviously wasn't invited to. *cues tears*

After having an adult temper tantrum this Saturday because I was basically stood up, I declared to my bedroom furniture, I needed new friends!

But how do you ask someone to be your friend? I've meet people at work, the salon and other places, where I thought to myself, Self she could be your friend. But my problem is I don't know how to turn it into exchanging information. Everything I thought up sounded like a pick up line and that's not hot! *bounces like Tamar*
That's right, bounce like me boo, she, me, her!
I definitely need to draft up some friendship contacts and sent them 1st class to my current friends on some Housewives of Atlanta shit. I will be heard! Or invited out.

I'm so into my feelings y'all. :(


Friday, March 2, 2012

Verizon Wireless wants half Eddie!

For the past 2 months I have been fussing and shaking my fist at Verizon Wireless. For reasons I can't justify now, I switched service from Sprint. After comparing wireless plans, I decided to port my number over to Verizon since they were having a promotion for 4gb of data at $30 a month. I got a free phone and kept on stepping.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tierra sees a movie: Act of Valor

I saw Act of Valor with Officer and my brother in law this afternoon. When I say I walked out the theater with a puffed out  chest, wiping tears... man. This movie is definitely a successful recruitment video. My 28 year old self would have signed on the dotted line right then and there. Wow, wow, and more wow.
Act of Valor was action packed with just the right mix of emotion to keep you invested.

Team USA! What sacrifices "our" boys give up to keep us ignorant of the threats to our freedom. I'm truly appreciative :)


Friday, February 24, 2012

Funny but oh so true, Sales 101

This explains to a T my past 7 years in cellular sales any sales job actually. Too funny AND too sad.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Clap for me...

This cake is gross looking I know...
What y'all get me? *crickets* That's okay because Officer put his love on top... too much? Oh. Like I mentioned above, it's my bday *pats weave* and I'm 28! I'm living and feeling greaaaaaat! As of right now, everything is somewhat balanced in my life, my goals are planned out and I'm steadily striving towards them. I won't lie though, 28 is so close to 30 that I'm frightened. When I was younger 30 was deemed old by my peers and defined by the 30 somethings we saw. However, 30 is the new 20 (*snaps for Oprah*) and my body is agreeing with that statement. But in the overall grand scheme of things, 30 yrs is about a third of your life time *sigh* 

Where did time go? Can I get a do over? Starting at year 2, I'm greedy :)

Have a wonderful day, enjoy yourself in my honor, I demand it!

Sidenote: You think Rihanna would give me some of her "cake?" I mean it is my birthday... I kid, I kid but...


Monday, February 20, 2012

I want....

Ooops, I forgot to tell y'all, my birthday is Thursday (Feb 23). I accept cash But of course AND................

I owe every game of this series, get like me

I haven't played video games in such a long time. I use to play RPG all day long during my full-time stay at home mom days. I only stopped because there's no games worth my time. But when this new Resident Evil comes out in March, I see myself fighting my kids and Officer over the television.

But only if one of you guys "gift" it to me ;)


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Update on wedding stuff

I would have to lose a thousand pounds to look like her *pouts*

I know y'all missed me but not if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook (I run my mouth a lot) ;) I've been helluva busy, spending money, working and going to school. In between all that confusion, I've been doing wedding stuff.

Wedding stuff:
Looking at wedding gowns in boutiques
Getting measured for gowns
Crying at measurements
Purchasing the flower girls dresses
Etc etc

I finally bought THE DRESS yesterday. I'm kinda nervous because I ordered it online without trying it on (!) This automatically sent me into lose 50 pounds now mode. I want to look delicious in my dress especially since it's form fitting.

Sidenote: I found out I have hips this week. Like bare 2 children at the same time hips. 49 inches, huh?!
I still have multiple things I need to complete. Invitations, response cards, find a photographer, yadda yadda ya.

Sponsor me?


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Whatcha get? I mean everyone is supposed to be dropping in diamonds, whipped into a sweets frenzy because of all the chocolate and chocolate covered accessories *wink* AND sneezing with delight at the long stemmed ruby red roses hand delivered to your office.

Oh, that didn't happen?

You're not alone. Let me squeeze onto the "I didn't get anything I was suppose to get on Valentine's Day" bench. *whew*
Officer's bday was last week and mine is nine days away. I love 'em, I do but $$$ is not my middle name. Plus I love him every other day of the year, I don't need a dead saint to remind me to handle mine, 'mkay?

But I am currently enjoying some pink & red themed candies (purchased by my own hand) and going out to enjoy some comedy (Kevin Hart, ugh).

If you're single, married, dating or in between, don't get caught up in the hype of Valentine's Day. Hallmark had this date circled and circled twice as their Black Friday (after Mother's Day). Save ya money, cook dinner at home and give him/her some good loving.

That's what I'm doing? I dunno, let's see funny the comedians are tonight ;)


Monday, February 13, 2012

Been gone for a minute now I'm back with the jump off...

Hey chickees and chickos! I have so much to update y'all on but I have to collect and organize all my thoughts. Give me some time okay? I promise it'll be worth it :)


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston


(August 9, 1963- February 11, 2012)

***Even though I don't know Bobbi-Christina, Whitney Houston's daughter, I'm saying a word for her every night. Poor girl is obviously taking it hard.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012



Sunday, February 5, 2012

What statuses look like on the main social networks

I stole this from Facebook, so so true!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Young Money wants Yo Money


You scared of banks?

Don't have no credit cards?

But still want to swipe a card when you stunting on them hoes?

Get yourself a Young Money prepaid card!

End scene. What the freaky freak? So Lil Wayne decided to jump into the world of celebrities pimping prepaid cards. He is preceded by Russell Simmons (The Rush Card) The Kardashian's Kard (ugh), and Suze Orman (The Approved Card). I can't stand these cards because of the fees that go along with them. And believe me the Young Money Card has some fees.

One Time Purchase fee: 6.95
Reload fee: $4.95
Monthly Maintenance fee: $3.95
on and on....

I know some people don't trust banks, I was building up resentment myself this summer when I started getting monthly maintenance fees. But getting charged $5 to simply reload the card is craziness.

I can't knock Lil Wayne's hustle. When the revenue from all the fees come in, I can visualize Birdman with that bright ass red tattooed star on his head, grinning.

*screams, YOUNG MONEY!*

That's only from one month of fees, you dig?


Friday, February 3, 2012

If I received a greeting card like this....

.... I would die laughing.

While I was on my lunch break at work today, I decided to walk around. As I was passing the greeting card section, a couple caught my eye. I started reading some Valentine Day ones and then progress to other sections. And then I saw this card:

Wow. I literally said wow out loud. The card and message was unexpected. I wanted to take a picture so bad but my phone was dead. But wow. I must add that it's totally something I would say BUT to only like minded people, lmaoooo. 

Viva Target for having the balls to carry this card ;)


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tat, tat, tatted up!

*Ahem* I have 2 tattoos in red zones (on both my wrist in little tiny print) and also one on my calf (not listed, whew). But if I could add something to this diagram and I can, it's my blog I want to note my hatred of people's decisions of getting tattoos of their significant others and spouses (!) names. I don't get it, at all. Like, are you going to be with them forever? forever ever? That's sooooo risky. But to each their own...


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Answering questions pt 2

  1. Part 2

  2. What’s your favorite cartoon character, and why?
  3. I use to be obsessed with Disney's Pocahontas in middle school (shuttie, I was eccentric) and would buy everything with the cartoon on it. Pencils, watches, stickers etc. Yes I know I was 12 but... nevermind.
  4.  If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why
  5. I want to go to Egypt badly. I went through a phase where I would read any book I could find on mummies and King Tut. I've been to Walter's Art Gallery in Balto more times than I can count to look at the mummy on display. I need to go post haste.
  6. What’s the ideal dream job for you?
  7. My ideal dream job would be mentoring inner city teens with unlimited funds. But since I don't have Oprah money, state or federal would be fine.
  8. Are you a morning or night person?
  9. Morning person. Once I'm up I'm ready to start my day. I don't understand napping.
  10. What are your favorite hobbies?
  11. I use to love sketching but that gift faded with time. Previously I would answer watching television but I just got back into reading so reading?
  12. What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike?
  13. I hate liars, people who don't take other's feelings into account, lazy people, cluttered spaces 
  14. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  15. Alligator bites, taste like overcooked chicken
  16. Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family.
  17. I love my middle daughter's humor :)
  18. Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.
  19. I have OCD about time. If you tell me you're 10 mins away, please be 10 mins away. I countdown my time at work. I'm always checking the clock. Neurotic.
  20. If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be…
  21. Funny? Compassionate. Giving.
  22. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
  23. I'm going to combine both Drama and Comedy. Dramatic-Comedy. There o_O
  24. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be…
  25. I would be Oprah. Not just for the money but bc of the power and respect she receives because of the money. 

Is there anything you want to ask me? Just hit the comment box and I promise to issue an honest and timely response. 


Answering questions pt 1

  1. I know I share a ton of myself on this blog but sometimes I hit a wall on what else I could share. I found these ice breaker questions and decided to answer them. Here's part 1. Enjoy.

  1. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
  2. Fried chicken fried hard w/ french fries
  3. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
  4. I would be an elephant. They're big and graceful creatures. Elephants travel in herds of all females which I think is cool and help raise each others young. I can dig it.
  5. What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime?
  6. I would like to open a center for young parents where they can receive free childcare as long as they stay in school. It will also have a job center, job training, and parental classes.
  7. When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why?
  8. Although not a "super hero" I love XMEN's Mystique. To be able to transform into anyone? Well damn. I could get in a lot of trouble with that power... ;)
  9. Who is your hero? (a parent, a celebrity, an influential person in one’s life)
  10. I really don't have a hero. I love Billie Holiday and her story. 
  11. What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?
  12. My favorite thing to do in the summer... travel and try new things. Anything to get out of the house and have a good time. 
  13. If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you?
  14. Hmmm... That's a hard one. I think I would want a movie about my life, birth to teen. I can't think of any actresses to play me. I got a big ego *ahem*
  15. If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why?
  16. I would be vanilla. Nice and creamy. 

Weekly Quickie

School. Work. Schoolwork. School. Work. Schoolwork. School.....

These are the days of our lives....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lebron said the sky is the limit!

Set up: Today was the Bulls and Heat game. Lebron gets his hands on the ball and......

Oh, yeah I see the resemblance....

I was flipping through channels on my tv today when I noticed Forrest Gump was on. Like everyone else on this planet, I've seen the movie at least 524 times. Nothing else was on so I figured, what the hay...

And then I "saw" it. I was staring at Tom Hanks' face trying to figure out who he reminded me of and it hit me....

Jersey Shore's Mike "The Situation...




Just ignore me.



Saturday, January 28, 2012

And I should do this why? Online classes pimpin'


Is your mouth slanted to one side like mine is?

Are we to believe that Shannon Doherty (starred in Charmed) is actually trying to get her degree online? But huh? And why is Master P's son Romeo trying to convince everyone to enroll with ICDC College? What does ICDC even stand for? *Kat Stacks voice* Anyway doe I don't listen to B C celebrities. I'mma go to community college like my cuzzin and em.

Especially when Uncle Sam is signing the checks, nuffin but the best.


Christina Aguilera getting caught by Aunt Flo?

Christina Aguilera had the honor of singing at her idol Etta James' funeral today. I would totally check that off as a win until....

Friday, January 27, 2012

I miss you

I miss my mommy.

I lost her June 2009. One month before my youngest was born. I was placed on bedrest right before I received the call that she was found dead. I collapsed after Officer passed me the phone with my sister screaming in my ear. Everything was a blur, going to retrieve her belongings from her house, falling on her bed crying, complete and utter confusion.

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's time for school BITCHES!

School starts next Monday and I'm just figuring out my schedule. My original plan of attending a continuing education trade class fell through because I couldn't use my financial aid. I could've taken out a school loan but why start now? I figured I might as well try and complete my degree. My first obstacle was $$$$. I had a past due balance at school but I Officer coughed up nearly $400. He lubs me so it was all good in love and basketball :)

I'm just happy to be making some moves albeit them small. I plan on finishing my degree by next Spring if not sooner. I'm taking three classes now and is tempted to slip one more class in but I want to ensure myself A's and B's. I still will be working so I don't want too much on my plate. If at times I might seem a little down, don't hesitate to cheerlead in my comment box. I need all the support you can spare :)
