Friday, December 9, 2011

You're not my friend anymore!

Every year since turning 21, I try to improve myself. I give a honest assessment of the direction my life is going and I write down some goals to achieve. A resolution you might say. The list evolves as I near completion of  goals or I lose interest (ha!) December is here and I've been thinking more and more about what I should have on my self improvement list.

Two years ago, one of my goals were to have more female friends. Laugh as you may, but it's hard finding decent friends as adults. I'm not talking about friends or acquaintances you dragged with you from high school or college, but fresh "I need to find out some stuff about you" friends. The quest was hard but I accomplished my goal. I find one friend from craigslist, one from and another from Twitter. And now 2/3 are my bridesmaids :)

But now my mission is different. I want to eliminate some "friends." But, you were just asking for more friends, what the hell? Well... I need to get rid of those people that are stale mate. The ones I call, text, @, or poke and no response. The ones who are never available to go out. The ones who ignore phone calls. Those "friends." And I also want to trim off the ones who don't offer anything. I'm tried of forcing a relationship with uninteresting people. Get some busy about yourself. It's exhausting always having to come up with fantastic things to counter your boring life.

Don't take this as me sitting on a high horse, looking down. I don't even own a step ladder to even climb up. It's just that I want a more enriching social life next year. I've never been one who was always clubbing but I want go to more Happy Hours, dinners, etc. I'm knocking on 30s door so I want to live and let go in my 20s.

Viva good times!


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