Saturday, April 14, 2012

My weight loss UPDATED

Look how much weight I lost!

Yup, those are my weight results. I lost 6 lbs and then stopped working out. As of today I gained 2 pounds back. I haven't done any Insanity or P90x. AND I stopped doing my 30 day workout plan on the Wii. Fail, fail, and more fail. 

This however hasn't deterred me from starting another workout plan. Even without exercise, I maintained some of my previous weight loss with better eating. So I'm back on the good health wagon. Yesterday I completed 30 minutes of cardio and walked my dog for 40 minutes. I felt great when I finished and wondered out loud why I stopped. 

Hopefully in a month's time, I'll have some true results to post until then wish me luck! 


1 comment:

  1. After a lifetime of losing and gaining weight, I get it. No matter how you slice it, weight loss comes down to the simple formula of calories in, calories out. thanks mate:)
    Quick weight loss support
