Sunday, April 29, 2012

You're the one that I think about all daaaay

I wrote this blog entry a long time ago. I was going through my draft folder and was like, whoa, I should upload this. And with the wedding fastly approaching, it makes sense. I'm not going to reveal as much as I did like Locks situation but hey, here's some of me and Officer's background :)

I'm pretty open about my background. I gave you a glimpse of my early "love" life with Locks here, part 2 and finally part 3. I write about my past not to gain sympathy but to build a basis for some of the opinions I might express on this blog.

Officer is the biggest support system I have in my life. I honestly don't have parental figures that give me advice, check up on me or anything like that so I often bounce my ideas off of Officer. But how did we get so  close? Let me begin....

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yes to the Dress!

I got my wedding dress guys! It's beautiful AND white ;) The funniest and best part of my fitting, was that my gown fits me like a glove. I literally can't gain or lose a pound or else I'd have to pay for alterations. I was so nervous about my gown only because I ordered it online without seeing it in person. I like the style and ordered it in good faith. Viva my wedding day. I'm about to stunt on hoes. Not really.

50 days!


These are my confessions....

I'm the type of person who often time appears standoffish. I struggled with this my whole life.

"I thought you were mean before I met you."

*Sings* When I was a young warthog.......... Oop, wrong topic....

Um, well I'm not. I'm a people watcher. Until I "know" you, I'm silent. I'm just feeling my way around. Some people are anxious around quiet people. This use to make me laugh inwardly all the time.

But over time I broke away from my mean girl stance. I think my girls helped with that. Children force you to become social. They're in school, sports, Chuck E Cheese... Places with lots of kids and parents you have to interact with.

Often time I wish I could be that person again. Reserved and distance. Unf*ckable.

Maybe on the weekends?


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

President Obama Drops the Mic on Jimmy Fallon

How did I miss this? President Obama was on Jimmy Fallon to discuss how he's fighting the increase of interest on student loans. But there's a twist to his delivery....

Check this jewel out:

Mr. Joe Smooth....


Can you spot me... a job?

Be patient, it'll happen......

Something will work out, watch.....

Just wait on the Lord.....

You'll get a job soon.....


Old school R&B, I know, I just rolled my eyes too...

This is what I want to scream out every time someone tells me a variation of the lines above. Every statement has the possibility of being true HOWEVER, I needs a job. Bills keep coming and my woe as me cries aren't doing nothing but giving me a week extension. Now look, I'm not hand to mouth. When I say I'm broke this translates to: Not having extra money. Like, to go out or getting pedi & mani and all bullsh*t that us women like. It also means that I'm spending reserves. Money for the wedding, etc. My youngest is still enrolled in daycare even though I'm unemployed because I pay a decent rate and don't want to lose her spot in case I get a job. *Ahem* For when I get a job Trying to be positive :) 

So friends and family, hush. I know and believe that I'll get a job. I'm stressing about these automobills....


One, it's like a dream come true, Two, did you know that it can squirt?

We all know that the majority of today's music is trash. Where are the singers from yesteryear? Well Brian McKnight is back with a sure head banger... your head to your desk!

Brian logged into his twitter and uploaded this beauty of a song. For some reason Brian McKnight decided to pen a song teaching women about how their vajayjay works. Why? What? When? Who? How? I've asked myself many questions starting with those words for the last couple days. What gets me about the video is that he is DEAD SERIOUS. Like, he put on his best face and voice. 

Press play and begin to weep from laughter or embarrassment:


When he touched his tongue though... *shivers*


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I got a question...

Question of the day night?

If you knew someone was in need and you had the means to help them would you:

A. Wait until they asked you for help


B. Stepped up and asked if they needed help EVEN if you knew the situation

Answer in my love below :)


Bow or Step: The Obamas, The First Family edition

At Tierra World we honor and admire the First Family And you will too.

Our First Family on Easter:

Sasha and Malia have gotten so big!

President Obama embracing a small boy:

The boy's smile, President Obama's closed eyes... *wimper*

These picture might seem like propaganda and hey it is an election year, but I don't care. I need some black positivity to cancel out all the evil that I'm seeing and hearing on a daily basis. We've all heard about the Trayvon Martin story by now. And then last week there was a Tulsa shooting by two white men who targeted and killed 3 black men and wounded 2 others.

This blog post is warranted.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

21st Century jiving.... for chicken wraps: Mary J. Blige edition

 Wow, Mary Mary.... Black folks sure lub dem sum chicken. -blank ass stare-

1. Why did that woman at the beginning of the commercial scream out about the chicken wraps? Ma'am

2. Mary J. Blige sounded Rihanna-ish a little bit... right?

3. Don't them shits look nasty wrapped up loosely in those leftover Taco Bell shells?

Burger King took down this commercial from their official youtube channel after Twitter joked them to death. I hope Mary still got paid, there's such a thing called pride, smh.


It's My Wedding and I can cry if I want to....

This is me but a little bit chubbier

I'm the most chill person on a normal day. I like long walks in the park, vanilla ice cream, all that simple shit. But oh does wedding planning bring out the beast in a person. Right now my wedding support system consist of 3 people. Right, just 3. But Tierra, aren't your bridesmaids helping? No. Next question...

Every suggestion I give is met with resistance. I'm not asking for a lot compared to other brides I hear about.  I'm not choosing wedding hair or shoe, I'm as laid back as a fat cat. Maybe that's the problem, I dunno.

How is Officer handling all the wedding planning? Hmmm, like a boss. His groomsmen are yes men. He text them their needs and they do it. No questions, just yup as replies. Being a man is easy.

*Kat Stacks voice* Anyway doe....
Free Kat Stacks! If you don't know, now you know, Google her.

Honeymoon is paid, sending a check tomorrow for the photographer. \o/  That's two things I can wipe my hands of. From this day forth I will ignore any advice/opinion/concern that steps to mine.

I'm the Bride BITCH!
