Sunday, January 29, 2012
Lebron said the sky is the limit!
Oh, yeah I see the resemblance....
Saturday, January 28, 2012
And I should do this why? Online classes pimpin'
Christina Aguilera getting caught by Aunt Flo?
Friday, January 27, 2012
I miss you
I lost her June 2009. One month before my youngest was born. I was placed on bedrest right before I received the call that she was found dead. I collapsed after Officer passed me the phone with my sister screaming in my ear. Everything was a blur, going to retrieve her belongings from her house, falling on her bed crying, complete and utter confusion.
Monday, January 23, 2012
It's time for school BITCHES!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
President Obama wants us to Stay Together..... He sings!
*Swoon* My mind is drifting into President Obama and First Lady's bedroom.... I love this man.
Quote of the Day
"... offense is taken, not given."
-Comedian, Ricky Gervais explaining his jokes about celebrities
And also how I feel about people taking issue on what my hands type. Hmph!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Conversations With My Daughters 4
6yo: No Daddy don't help her, Ma you need to sound it out.
Me: -_-
I want ALL the attention
As I have listed on the left side of my blog *waits for you to look* I'm a mother, fiance', sister, blah blah. But I'm also me, a human woman. And I'm also a person who has been in a long long long term relationship. I love Officer with all my heart but I sometimes wonder if I still got it. I mean, is anyone still checking for me boo?
Officer probably will never truly criticize me unless I suddenly woke up 300 pounds. While I appreciate that about him, I need some kind of check and balance to ensure I never get to melted candle status A sloppy out of shape body Now I know that you should be loved for your personality but I still want to maintain attraction as well.
But what about wanting attention from people other than your significant other/spouse? Is that wrong? I'm not talking about sexting or dating but just receiving a wink or smile from someone. Does that mean you're lacking something or just wanting to check your "sexual" pulse?
I believe flirting is healthy as long as phone numbers aren't exchanged and you're not testing this theory with a close friend lol. Who knows, a flirty word might be just the spark you need to jump your significant other's bones when you get back home ;)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Baltimore Ravens vs Houston Texans, Playoffs!
Why I love President Obama reason 183688...
I chuckled and giggled throughout Obama's little skit requesting Betty White's long form birth certificate. Check it out below :)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
I'm made of sugar, spice and everything SPITEFUL!
Me likey! |
I cared because I'm human. You want to help others and have their help when you're in need. It also feels good to come to the aid of someone. However, rejection or plain ol' we don't give 2 fucks, has a bitter taste.
Something clicked in me after I experienced another similar incident. I realized, Hey I'm an adult and I can decide whether or not I want to end or continue this "abusive" relationship. I say abusive because I always felt victimized after. I began cutting ties with people and moving on with those who respected me.
The funny thing is after distancing myself, I realized I didn't really need them. I was doing good all by myself. *snaps*
You might want to applaud my actions but I also discovered a callousness as well. I currently go by the philosophy, Only do for those who do for you! Definitely not Christian-like, right? That motto was drafted for my heart. It's like a scab protecting an injury. I don't want to get hurt again in that spot. As self centered as that seems and IS, it's working for me. I never feel used anymore and I'm never doubting the intentions of the people I'm surrounding with.
Win Win Win An Office reference when it was funny..
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Name that feeling!
1. I feel _______ that I'm not receiving any real help (besides my SIL) for my wedding. |
2. I'm ________ that my wedding is only 5 months away! |
3. I feel__________ about the money that this wedding will cost. |
Get in my belly! Restaurant Week 2012
Hey foodies and cheapos! Baltimore County's Restaurant Week starts tomorrow! It lasts from the 1/12th til 1/21st.
The lunch and dinner prices are: $10.12, $15.12, $20.12, $25.12, $30.12, and $35.12. All the cents end in .12 b/c of the year :)
I hope you Marylanders take advantage of these awesome dinner deals. The link below has the restaurants and times available.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Happy Birth-day baby I don't know!
What a beautiful food baby o_O |
As you probably already know
Saturday, January 7, 2012
I don't need this, my man has 2 jobs!
Every job I've had in the cellular business was working for an indirect dealer. That means selling, let's say Verizon, a company's product but not being employed by them. Also, every company I was employed by, rented space within another company's store.
Confused? :) You can see how this set up can be a mess.
With my last company, the store we rented space from didn't care two cents what we did. We sold phones, made them money, they were happy.
But my current one? Hmph...
Today I was told I can't have my cellphone on the sales floor. I've never carried on phone conversations or openly texted while working here. So sir, your store is dry, we barely average two phones a week. You're giving me grief about occasionally texting? Oh.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Awesome Blog Alert!
(The description, picture of the letter and transcript is from the above blog editor, Shaun Usher)
In June of 1945, this striking letter arrived at the home of 3-year-old Dennis Helms in Washington, written on a sheet of Adolf Hitler's letterhead. It had been penned by his father, Lt. Richard Helms, an intelligence operative with the OSS who, following Germany's surrender the month before, had managed to acquire some of the recently-deceased Nazi leader's stationery from the Reich Chancellery. He then wrote to his son.
Richard Helms later became Director of the CIA. His letter to Dennis now resides in their museum.
Dear Dennis,
The man who might have written on this card once controlled Europe — three short years ago when you were born. Today he is dead, his memory despised, his country in ruins. He had a thirst for power, a low opinion of man as an individual, and a fear of intellectual honesty. He was a force for evil in the world. His passing, his defeat — a boon to mankind. But thousands died that it might be so. The price for ridding society of bad is always high.
Love, Daddy
Thursday, January 5, 2012
That's how my job search has me feeling...
Yesterday's interview was another screening process. The interview was different all around. There was one recruiter and ten applicants. The recruiter went around, asking questions and we stood and responded.
Exactly my thoughts.
I just knew we would hear the results of our group interview that afternoon. Nope. I'll know next week if I'm moving forward in the interviewing process. This annoys me. I want to put my two weeks in so bad!
Patience, patience.
Oh, I didn't accept my last job offer. As much as I wanted the job, salary was almost doubled this one, the shift was worst than my current one. 3-830. Yup and it was all road work. I can't image myself driving around Baltimore at night in all types of weather. *sigh*
I can't win.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Sitting up in my room...
Even though I wasn't one of the Cosbys, I didn't go to Hilman *Kanye stance* I remember some things about my parents as a child.
Things I love...
1. Warm weather
2. Hard fried chicken
3. A good book
4. Laughing kids
5. Good conversation
6. A day in bed
7. A nice pair of boots
8. Coupons
9. An admirer
10. Good hair day
11. Nice teeth
12. Help with laundry
13. 2 plates of soul food
14. Lemon pie
15. Twitter
These are a few of my favorite things....