Friday, October 14, 2011

Wedding sponsorships/ grants

When I started writing this blog, I mentioned how I was planning my wedding *awkward silence* Well... I dunno now. My unemployment has made my potential wedding, a non mf-ing factor *sigh*

I sit everyday thinking about how I can get the money to pay the deposit for this wedding (besides a job, smart ass). Oh how I wish I was Star Jones! <--not really, but she had her whole wedding sponsored. Or even better, Kim Kardashian. I mean, how in the hell do YOU get PAID to get married. Where they do dat at?

I remember seeing something on tv awhile back where some inner city (can't recall it, and don't feel like researching) paid for long term common law husbands/wives to get married. If only MD had something similar. We just need help with the initial deposit and we plan on paying the rest of the money off with our taxes.

Any way doe, Target, Macy's, Payless, Bed Bath and Beyond, if any of you companies (or all) would like to sponsor my wedding, comment! Lol. Any company can actually. At this point, if Raid sponsored, I'd give everyone traveling sized cans. I swear during my wedding I'd have your company name across my veil, I'll sing your company name doing my reception speech and have your dresses/shoes worn by myself and bridesmaids.

Real talk.


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