Thursday, May 10, 2012

You make me feel, you make me feel like an inexperienced mother....

Up until this moment, May 10th, I believed myself to be the champion of potty training. It's on my parent stat card. Throughout the years, I bragged about how I successfully trained my oldest daughter in 2 weeks with NO accidents. I wasn't worried one Jill Scott low note about potty training my youngest when the time came....

Well... now's the time and she ain't trained.

If you don't know who this Queen to be is, google Sweet Brown
At the beginning I was cool. Little Bit was showing signs of being ready: isolating herself when she made bowel movements, letting me know she needed to be changed I know right, smh, everything that signaled to me, GET HER A POTTY NOW!

I purchased a cute little pink potty with numbers and animals dancing on the lid. I got her some little underwear so she could be like her big sisters, I was ready. At first, Lady J sat on the pot but only in 3-5 minute intervals. I wasn't concerned because it's a learning process. Next she decided to make it a podium for singing and then dancing. 

I'll fault myself for the inconsistency. I was working and going to school and Lady J was in daycare. Some days I was on it and others I was tired or forgot. And certainly Lady J wasn't going to text me a reminder.

>>>>>>>>>>>> Fast forward to 2 weeks ago

I took Lady J out of daycare because I'm unemployed and what's the point? Now I can restart her potty training, I thought. Apparently LJ didn't get the memo. She refuses to have anything to do with the pot, at all. She just won't. She'll holds her urine when I put her in panties and when she has to go, asks for her diaper. 


There's a resistance forming in my house.


Me: Time to use the potty, are you ready?! *pretending to be happy*
LJ: Nope
Me: Why not?
LJ: 'cause
Me: Because what?
LJ: I can't
Me: Yes, you can babe.
LJ: Nope

This is the truest story ever wrote *wipes tears*

Today as she passed the potty in the living room, she slammed the lid down and ran up to me and screamed NOOOOO! and started laughing.


So I'm reading this:

Yeah, that works, *rolls eyes*

I feel like a first time mom. My mom swag is gone. Flushed down the unused potty. Self esteem go bye bye!


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