Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mad Men + Christina Hendricks= Love on Top

Christina Hendricks is who I want to be when I grow up. Her body is awesooooome. *stares at the above pictures* Um, yeah there's a reason I was writing this post, give me a minute.... Oh, Mad Men is coming back! After a nearly 2 year hiatus, my HD tv will be graced with the above buxom princess and all my fave characters on March 25th.

My heart dropped just like looking at Christina's pictures.

Y'all ready for cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and all the smug and smirkness one can muster delivered by smooth ass Don? I am!

My peeps!



  1. I'll have to add this to my list of shows to start watching, even if it's just to drool over those tig ol bitties and to inagine if the lovely Ms. Hendricks is a true redhead :-P
