Thursday, January 19, 2012

I want ALL the attention

As I have listed on the left side of my blog *waits for you to look* I'm a mother, fiance', sister, blah blah. But I'm also me, a human woman. And I'm also a person who has been in a long long long term relationship. I love Officer with all my heart but I sometimes wonder if I still got it. I mean, is anyone still checking for me boo?

Officer probably will never truly criticize me unless I suddenly woke up 300 pounds. While I appreciate that about him, I need some kind of check and balance to ensure I never get to melted candle status A sloppy out of shape body Now I know that you should be loved for your personality but I still want to maintain attraction as well.

But what about wanting attention from people other than your significant other/spouse? Is that wrong? I'm not talking about sexting or dating but just receiving a wink or smile from someone. Does that mean you're lacking something or just wanting to check your "sexual" pulse?

I believe flirting is healthy as long as phone numbers aren't exchanged and you're not testing this theory with a close friend lol. Who knows, a flirty word might be just the spark you need to jump your significant other's bones when you get back home ;)



  1. I feel the same way. I'd love to be able to go out and have women flirt and show me some attention, to let me I still "got it"...then again maybe I don't still "got it", or never "had it" in the first place, which would explain why I don't get flirted with...well there was the drunk old lady on the bus yesterday that commented on liking my hair, so there's that...

  2. LOL, you're funny.

    I absolutely do not think there is anything wrong with "wanting to look good". Who doesn't want to feel sexy? Who doesn't want to feel attractive? And rather than wanting to look attractive for "someone", how about just yourself? I think that speaks volumes about self-esteem and self-worth. Besides, when you look good on the outside, you feel good on the inside. Not to say that looks are everything, but, it's good to take some pride in one's appearance.

    As far as "flirting" goes, people have varying opinions about this and personality styles. I think it CAN be an okay thing, so long as it doesn't cross the line, to where it negatively impacts a current relationship. IMO though, some people are better off not flirting at all since they just can't "help themselves". I think every person knows their own limits. If you know you can't handle temptation, why go there. But if it's a part of your personality and you know it won't interfere with your relationship, go'n 'head! So long as you don't get upset if your partner does the same! ;)... Everything equal!
