Friday, September 16, 2011


So... as you know I'm unemployed. I've been sitting on the bench since May. It was kinda my choice and I totally have no regrets. The circumstances called for it so I left. Unfortunately my bills never stopped... billing o_O This week should have filled me with renewed hope especially since I had 2 interviews scheduled! But re-read this blog title *waits* Why are I deflated? *sighs*

Wednesday I had an interview for the most important career move I could make. I was anxious and had studied the night before. I arrived 15 mins early, gave my name and waited. And then this happened: "Ma'am, your name isn't on the list." Huh? What? Fortunately I had all my paperwork completed and the secretary waved me in.

There were two people ahead of me and they all seemed confident which made me even more nervous. Time passed, one person was called in and then the another. I sat alone, reading notes trying to calm myself down. "Ms.______, please come this way."

I entered an office with a panel of three people. Three non-smiling people. But I turned on my charm, totally prepared to sell my qualities. But that never happened. They never asked about my job history or why I would be a good candidate. They had 5 stock questions and then the interview was over.

It's not that I was terrible during the interview. I was quick and smiley. I answered intelligently and was confident. But I don't know if that was enough. My interview seemed only 10-15 mins. Meanwhile the only interviewee's seemed to have taken much longer. Plus I found out there was only 1 position available. Just 1. 

*Breathe Tierra, breathe*

So yeah... I'm not confident that I'm in the running. Back to job searching...


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